Examine Este Relatório sobre final fantasy vii

Examine Este Relatório sobre final fantasy vii

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[108] Historically, Final Fantasy VII became an influential watershed of the 3D generation of consoles and games that would use the format in the 1990s, and helped establish the format's succession as the new technological frontier and standard for the mainstream industry.

Shinra's base of operations is the metropolis of Midgar ringed by eight mako reactors that drain Mako for energy. While the upper city is an industrial powerhouse with a generally high quality of life, the lower city is made up of slums and receives little light and its air is polluted.

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Sephiroth flees and the group chases him across the Mt. Nibel to Rocket Town where they meet Cid Highwind, an aeronautical engineer whose dreams of going into space had been dashed by Shinra's lack of funding.

The group keeps pursuing the rumors of a man in a black cape and arrives at Nibelheim, finding it fully rebuilt by Shinra and populated by Shinra employees posing as the villagers to cover up the incident five years ago. The town is infested with people robed in black who rant on about Sephiroth, the numbered Sephiroth-clones Professor Hojo had created after Nibelheim's torching to test his Reunion theory.

After Hojo had arrived to assess the situation, he had taken Zack and Cloud, as well as the other survivors from the village, to be his test subjects to turn them into Sephiroth-clones by injecting them with Jenova cells. While the villagers had been turned into clones, Zack and Cloud had not reacted as desired, and were deemed failures to be contained in the Shinra Manor.

He additionally expressed a desire to expand on the original game's depiction of Midgar for one game, wanting for players to explore various areas of the city final fantasy vii that were previously inaccessible in the original, and with heightened detail due to the increased power of newer generation hardware. While Nomura understood the nostalgia behind the original game's story, he envisioned the game as a reimagining that would in turn, "get the fans of the original version excited".[16]

The title was the first in the series to use full motion video and 3D computer graphics, featuring 3D character models superimposed over 2D pre-rendered backgrounds. Although the gameplay remained mostly unchanged from previous entries, Final Fantasy VII introduced more widespread science fiction elements and a more realistic presentation. The combined development and marketing budget cost around US$80 million.

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As this would have further increased the number of discs the game needed, the idea was discarded.[66] Kazuyuki Ikumori, a future key figure at Visual Works, helped with the creation of the CGI cutscenes, in addition to general background design.[67] The CGI FMV sequences Perfeito around quarenta minutes of footage, something only possible with the PlayStation's extra memory space and graphical power. This innovation brought with it the added difficulty of ensuring that the inferiority of the in-game graphics in comparison to the FMV sequences was not too obvious. Kitase has described the process of making the in-game environments as detailed as possible to be "a daunting task".[38] Music[edit]

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carece um pouco: dar espaço pra usufruir do sistema do luta. Foi em algum momento bastante proveitoso coletar novos recursos, subir o nível do Materias e gastar 1 tempo de capacidade realizando fusões por Materias de modo a deter magias e habilidades cada vez melhores.

[97] Michael Basket was the sole translator for the project, though he received the help of native Japanese speakers from the Tokyo office. The localization was taxing for the team due to their inexperience, lack of professional editors, and poor communication between the North American and Japanese offices. A result of this disconnect was the original localization of Aerith's name—which was intended as a conflation of "air" and "earth"—as "Aeris" due to a lack of communication between localization staff and the QA team.[98]

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